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     First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to read the rules page.  At this point, you're already doing more with this website than I would have expected you to do!  Either way, I will try to keep this short and sweet.  However, there are a few important things that need to be discussed from the start in order to avoid issues in the future.  


      Most importantly, we will not condone any negativity directed in the way of IXW ownership when it comes to claims of favortism or unfairness.  We may make decisions at specific points to give a certain wrestler a bump, if it would benefit the storyline of the current feud.  However, this has nothing to do with us having a preference over who wins.  It simply means that we want to make the IXW as absoultely entertaining as we possibly can, and in some cases, that means that you will lose for that reason alone.  I apologize if you are unable to accept that situation, but I can promise you that it absolutely will happen.  We hold complete control of the story building process, and we will manipulate the story in ways to help improve it and give it more longevity where need be.  


       For those that may not be aware to this point, we will use WWE 2K14 on Xbox 360 to simulate each and every one of the IXW matches.  All characters will be created using the game, customized to the best of our abilities to match the description provided, and built within the specified parameters in order to assure maximum competitiveness.  Every match will be recorded in its entirety, briefly edited (if necessary), and uploaded to Youtube.  From there, the matches will be imbedded into the corresponding portion of the show in which the match will have taken place.  Other than the embedded videos of each fight, there will be written transcript that will break down everything else that happens during each event.  The transcript will provide the majority of the storyline building elements in order to help drive a creative and compelling narrative that will keep IXW participants interested.


       As an IXW participant, you have very few responsibilities.  After designing your character, you will be asked to participate in some role playing excercises on our forum.  These role plays will consist of typing out transcripts, in character, to explain how your wrestler is behaving and what he is saying.  These are simply referred to as "promos."  A promo can consist of an "interview" with your wrestler, a scene that sets the mood for a specific feud or situation, or a simple "call-out" in which you try to pick a fight with another character. Again, all transcripted role play SHOULD be written IN CHARACTER!  There will be some generic characters that you will have free reign to use in your interviews as "hosts."  However, you are NEVER permitted to use another person's character in your promos without their consent and approval.  At no point will you ever be capable of "putting words in another character's mouth."  The entire concept of promos and forum usage is to help drive the storyline.  Your promos and call-outs will help to provide the writers with some ideas to use in upcoming show transcripts and when setting up-coming matches.  If you do not participate in the forum, you may find your character relegated to obscurity due to his inability to draw interest from other fighters and match-makers.  For this reason, it is vital to the success of your character to post role plays in the forums. The final point of note on posting is that all swearing should be kept to a minimum.  I refuse to preach at anyone, but it is unprofessional, and downright unrealistic for certain things to be said.  Refraining from use of those words (or at least editing those words out as much as possible) will help to make this process much more enjoyable for everyone.  We're doing a lot of pretending already, so it doesn't seem like much a stretch to say that you should pretend that all of your promos are to be aired on live television.  If it would be frowned upon to say what you are typing in the event that your character were on television, then you should not say it. Plain and simple.  

....more to come









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